Haruka no Hitorigoto

Haruka Suzuki Profilee
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Haruka Suzuki Profile

What's Haruka Suzuki

It’s pleasure to meet you.
My name isHaruka Suzuki.
I am a salaryman working for an electrical equipment manufacturer.
I'm interested in information about new technologies.
I have been interested in SEO since 2013 and learned by myself.
I was an expert on Google Webmaster Help Forums from 2016 to 2017.
So I'm confident in my knowledge of SEO.

Other hobbies are cooking and making sweets.
Above all, I am good at reproducing actual dishes from anime illustrations.

Look at this illustration

With Haruka's magic, it looks like this.

Food Wars! are also popular at Haruka no Hitorigoto®. Please see here for the original image.

With the magic of Haruka, it looks like this.

If you are interested, please proceed to Anigashi.
There is also a reproduction of the popular Food Wars ! in the United States.
However, it has not been translated, so please enjoy it with Google Chrome's automatic translation function.

Profile summary

Name: Haruka Suzuki
Gender: Female
Date of birth: February 14,1983
Blood typer: O
Address: Kawaguchi City,Saitama Japan
Nationality: Japanese
Occupation: Electrical equipment manufacturer system engineer
Interest: Anime Novel Cooking SEO/SEM
Specialty: Skin diving
Motto: The cuteness justifies everything.

It was nice meeting you!


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